Professor in Biotechnology
Department of Bioprocess Technology, Faculty of Technology, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Mihintale.
- Ph.D. – University of Peradeniya
- B.Sc. – Open University of Sri Lanka
Teaching Courses
- BPT 2205: Molecular Biology
- BPT 2209: Molecular Biotechnology
- BPT 3108: Seminar
- BPT 3201: Molecular Microbiology
- BPT 3209: Scientific Writing
Microbiology (Special): Faculty of Applied Sciences 2009-2017
- Molecular Biology
- Plant Pathology
- Molecular Biotechnology
- Molecular Microbiology
- Immunology, Bioinformatics
- Techniques and Strategies in Molecular Biology
Appointments and Administrative Experiences
- Dean – Faculty of Technology, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, July 2022-to date.
- Head – Department of Bioprocess Technology, Faculty of Technology, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, July 2021-2022.
- Dean – Faculty of Technology, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, 2019 January- August.
- Head – Department of Bioprocess Technology, Faculty of Technology, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, 2018-2019.
- Program Coordinator – Faculty of Technology, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, – 2016-2018
- Head – Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, 2012-2015.
- Program Coordinator – B.Sc. online Degree program, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, 2008-2011.
Awards and external recognitions
- NSF Scholarship for most meritorious student (PGIA) 1999-2000.
- Vice Chancellor’s Award for Most Outstanding Senior Researcher – Faculty of Technology, 2021.
- Vice Chancellor’s Award for researchers (3rd) who has published the highest number of indexed journal articles – Faculty of Technology, 2021.
- Dr A.W.R. Joachim Memorial Award for best GPA 2002 (PGIA).
- Member American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAS).
- Working Committee member, Committee for Biotechnology and Bioethics: National Science Foundation (NSF) 2013-2017.
Researches and Projects
Indexed & Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Wijayawardene, N.N.; Boonyuen, N.; Ranaweera, C.B.; de Zoysa, H.K.S.; Padmathilake, R.E.; Nifla, F.; Dai, D.-Q.; Liu, Y.; Suwannarach, N.; Kumla, J., Bamunuarachchige, T. C., Chen, H. H. (2023) OMICS and Other Advanced Technologies in Mycological Applications. Journal of Fungi, 9, 688: 1-27pp. OMICS and Other Advanced Technologies in Mycological Applications. J. Fungi 2023, 9, 688. https://doi.org/10.3390/jof9060688
- Herath, B.M.; Bamunuarachchige, T. C.; Stephenson, S.L.; Elgorban, A.M.; Asad, S.; Kumla, J.; Suwannarach, N.; Karunarathna, S.C.; Yapa, P.N. Soil Heavy Metal Absorption Potential of Azolla pinnata and Lemna gibba with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Farming. Sustainability 2023, 15, 4320. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15054320
- Yapa, P.N., Du, W., Madhushan, A., Yan, K., Asad, S., Karunarathna, S. C., Bamunuarachchige, T. C. (2022) Potential of biofertilizers and natural soil amendments to mitigate heavy metal contents of soil in lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) farming. ScienceAsia 48 (2022): 326-334 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2022.045.
- Yapa, P.N., Lakmali, J. P. D., De Zoysa, H. K. S., Silva, S., Manawadu, C., Herath, B. M. M. D., Madhushan, K.W.A., Perera, E.G., Ratnayakae, O.C., Kapilan, R., Rathnayake, A.I., Sirisena, U.G.A.I., Suhail, A., Karunarathna, Samantha C., Bamunuarachchige, T. C. (2022) Biofertilizers: An Emerging Trend in Agricultural Sustainability. Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 49 (3): 1-33pp.
- Sammani, A. M., Dissanayaka, D. M., Wijayaratne, L. K., Bamunuarachchige, T. C., & Morrison, W. R. (2020). Effect of pheromones, plant volatiles and spinosad on mating, male attraction and burrowing of Cadra cautella (Walk.)(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Insects, 11(12), 845. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects11120845.
- Yapa, P. N., Sandaruwan, M. K. D. D., Duminda, D. M. S., & Bamunuarachchige, T. C. (2020). Effect of bacterial biofertilizers, native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and soil amendments on soil and grain phosphorus availability of flooded rice in dry zone, Sri Lank. Vingnanam Journal of Science, 15(2).
- Jayaratne, W.M.S.C., Abeyratne, A.H.M.A.K., De Zoysa, H.K.S., Dissanayake, D.M.R.B.N., Bamunuarachchige, T.C., Waisundara, V.Y., Chang, S.. (2020). Detection and quantification of Aflatoxin B1 in corn and corn-grown soils in the district of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. Heliyon, 6 (10): 1-6pp, e05319. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05319
- D.M.S.K.Dissanayakaa, A.M.P.Sammani, L.K.W.Wijayaratnea, Bamunuarachchige, T.C. and W.R.Morrison (2020). Distance and height of attraction by walking and flying beetles to traps with simultaneous use of the aggregation pheromones from Tribolium castaneum (Herbst)(Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae). Journal of Stored Products Research. doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2020.101705
- Bandara, M.M.K., Herath, H.M.V.G. , Wickramasinghe, H.A.M. and Bamunuarachchige, T.C. (2017). Assessment of Morphological Characters of Selected Traditional Sri Lankan Rice Varieties (Oryza sativa L.) journal of Dry Zone Agriculture. 3 21-28pp.
- Galhenage Ajith Udayantha, Mapa Mudiyanselage Krishanthi Bandara and Bamunuarachchige, T.C. (2017). Evaluation of efficacy of mosquitocidal activity of Bacillus thuringiensis – local strains Bt4 and Bt6e. International journal of innovative research and knowledge. 2:8 44-51pp.
- Randima, G. D. D., Abeysinghe, K. G. D. De. A., Vandercone, R. P. G. and Bamunuarachchige, T.C. (2016). Screening of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in captivity at elephant orphanage, Pinnawala and ETH, Udawalawe for Mycobacterium tuberculosis and elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus type1 (EEHV 1) using direct amplification of pathogen DNA from trunk washes. Proc. of the Fourth Intl. Conf. Advances in Bio-Informatics, Biotechnology and Environmental Engineering- ABBE 2016. 27-32 PP doi: 10.15224/ 978-1-63248-091-0-07.
- Fenando, H.K.D.H., Kajenthini, T.J.C., Rebeira, S.P., Bamunuarachchige, T.C. and Wickramasinghe, H.A.M. (2015). Validation of molecular markers for the analysis of genetic diversity of amylase content and gel consistency among representative rice varieties in Sri Lanaka. Tropical Agricultural Research Vol. 26.
- Alahakoon, U.I., Herath, H.M.V.G., Abeyrathna, P.K., Karunatilleke, R.W.M.V.W.N.C., Silva, U.K Y., Bamunuarachchige, T. C. and Bandara, J.M.R.S. (2007). Agrobacterium mediated transfer of Bacillus thuringiensis strain 6e cry gene to Ixora odorata var. Vulcan, a comparison of tissues. Tropical Agricultural Research, Volume 19, 2007.
- Ekanayake, E.M.D.S.B., Vidanapathirana, A.K., Abeyrathna, P.K., Silva, U. K., Bamunuarachchige, T.C. and Bandara, J.M.R.S.B. (2007). Transformation of Metarhizium anisopliae by Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer and Electroporation. Tropical Agricultural Research, Volume 19, 2007.
- Rajapaksha, K.H., Wickramasinghe, H.A.M., Bandara, J.M.R.S., Jayawardana, N.U., Senevirathne, D.M.A.N. and Bamunuarachchige, T.C. (2007). Comparative structure modeling of metal regulatory transcriptional factor; MTF-1. Tropical Agricultural Research, Volume 19, 2007.
- Perera, M.W.P., Bamunuarachchige, T.C.,Careem, R., Silva, U. K. Y. and Bandara J.M.R.S. 2002. Agrobacterium mediated transfer of synthetic cry 1 gene to rice calli of BG380. Tropical Agricultural Research Vol. 14: 22-30.
- Bamunuarachchige, T.C., Chandrananda, B.M.K.A., Ranathunga, R.A.K.M., Damayanthi, K.P.N. and Bandara, J.M.R.S. 2000. An Efficient Agrobacterium Binary Vector System to Transfer Bt 6e cry Gene. Tropical Agricultural Research Vol. 12 56-63 (2000).
Abstracts / Extended Abstracts (National & International)
- HMD Tharaka, PN Yapa, Bamunuarachchige, T.C. (2019). Development of sausages from immature jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) with rice bran fermented with Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus. 4th International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
- Kuruppuarachchi, KAPP, Dissanayake, DMJC and Bamunuarachchige, T.C. (2018). Determination of the prevalence of bla genes isolated from UTI patients in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka by specific primer PCR. Proceedings of the South Asian Biotechnology Conference, 2018.
- JAAWL Jayasekara, KGD De A Abeysinghe, DMJC Dissanayake, RPG Vandercone, Bamunuarachchige, T.C. (2017). Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in Fecal Matter of Wild Elephants (Elephas maximus). Proceedings of International Forestry and Environment Symposium, Sri Lanka. Published by Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayawardenepura.
- Mayadunne, S., Bandara, M.M.K., Dissanayaka, DMJC and Bamunuarachchige, T.C. (2016). Use of partial mecA, femA and 16SrDNA sequences for the identification of Clinical Isolates of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus IRSUW, Uwawellassa University, Sri Lanka.
- MMK Bandara, Bamunuarachchige, T.C. (2016). Isolation and identification of naphthalene degrading bacteria from a polluted environment. IRSPAS, University of Kelaniya. 34pp.
- Abeysinghe GD, Dayarathne A, Udayantha GA, Dissanayake DM, Bamunuarachchige, T.C. (2014) Towards Safe and Efficient Bt Mosquitocides; Determining Cry and Cyt Protein Profiles and the Production of Type IB Exotoxin by Local Bt Strains 4 and 6E.WinC, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.
- M.M.K. Bandara, D.S. Kekulandara, D.M.R.B.N. Dissanayake, W.L.G. Samarasinghe and Bamunuarachchige, T.C. (2013). Efficiency of Callogenesis and Amenability to Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation of Selected Traditional Sri Lankan Rice Varieties. Proceedings of International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment 2013University of Ruhuna Sri Lanka.
- Zakeel. M.C.M., Priyadarshani, W.G.K.C., Wickramasinghe, H.A.M., Bamunuarachchige, T.C., Weerasinghe, P.A. and Marker, F.M.M.T. (2013). Microbial production of L-histidine from different substrates using soil-borne bacteria isolated from Puliyankulama, Anuradhapura. Proceedings of the young scientists forum symposium 18th January 2013.
- Kolin Harinda Rajapaksha; Sarath Bandara; Bamunuarachchige, T.C.; Prasanna Kumara Aberathne; Amal Nayanagith Senavirathne (2008) Comparative Modeling of Human Metallothionein Isoform-3 (MT-3) Abstracts from the 4th Annual USHUPO Conference, Bethesda, MD, USA.
- Rajapaksha. K.H. Bandara. J.M.R.S , Bamunuarachchige T.C, Jayawardana N.U. 2008). Simulation of chromic renal failure among farm families in cascade irrigation systems in Sri Lanka associated with elevated dietary cadmium levels, 5th annual meeting of integrative bioinformatics, leucorea lutherstadt wittenberg, Germany. http://www.imbio.de/conference08/posterabs.php.
- Bandara J.M.R.S., Bamunuarachchige, T.C., Rajapaksha, K.H., Ariyasinghe, D.S.C.L., Bandara, J.M.R.B. and Abeysekara, T. (2007). Cadmium and chronic renal failure in Sri lanka. Proceedings of the 2nd international conferance on forensic science and medical science, July 28-29, 2007. Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand.
- Rajapaksha, K.H., Karunatilleke, R.W.M.V.W.N.C., Umemura F., Alahakoon U.I., Gunawardana,.A., Abeyrathne.P.K., Wickramasinghe, H.A.M., Bamunuarachchige, T.C. and Bandara,J.M.R.S. (2006). A 56 kDa Protein Suppressor of Shoot Formation in Indica Rice calli.(Chromatin and Epigenetic Regulation of Transcription: PENNSTATE Summer Symposium in Molecular Biology 2007,The Pennsylvania State University, June 19-22,2007).
- Bamunuarachchige, T.C., (2006). Importance of calreticulin in the callus regeneration ability of indica rice varieties (Oryza sativa ssp. indica). Proceedings of the 4th annual CDB symposium: Logic of development: New strategies and concepts, , April 10-12, 2006, Center for Developmental biology, Riken, Kobe, Japan.
- Bandara, J.M.R.S De Costa, D and Bamunuarachchige, T.C. (2006). Molecular techniques workshop handbook: March 2006
Technical Report/Magazine articles:
- Bamunuarachchige, T.C., De Zoysa, H.K.S., Yapa, P.N. (2021) 7. Use of microbes in next generation biofertilizers, ‘VIDURAVA’ Science Magazine, Volume 38, July – September 2021. National Science Foundation. ISSN 1391-0299. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30993.71527
Book chapters
- Fernando, E., Herath, H.M.B.M.M.D., Yapa, P.N., de Zoysa, H.K.S. & Bamunuarachchige, T.C. (2023) Biodiesel Production by Organic Transformations. In Gothandam, K. M., Srinivasan, R., Ranjan, S. & Dasgupta, N. (Eds.), Biotechnology for Toxicity Remediation and Environmental Sustainability. CRC Press. ISBN 9781003312390, https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003312390-3.
- Abeysinghea, G., De Zoysa, H.K.S., Bamunuarachchige, T.C., and Zakeel, M.C.M. (2022) Cold-tolerant and cold-loving microorganisms and their applications. In Soni, R., Suyal, D., Yadav, A., and Goel, R. (Eds.), Trends of Applied Microbiology for Sustainable Economy (pp. 185-205). Academic Press. ISBN 9780323915953.https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-91595-3.00006-9.
- Weerasekera, A. C., Samarasinghe, K., De Zoysa, H. K. S., Bamunuarachchige T.C., & Waisundara, V. Y. (2021). Cinnamomum zeylanicum: Morphology, Antioxidant Properties and Bioactive Compounds. In Waisundara, V. Y. (Ed), Antioxidants. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.97492.
- Bamunuarachchige, T.C., Wickramasinghe, HAM, Dissanayaka, DMJC and Wickramarathna, NAD (2011). GM probiotics in Monograph on probiotics, Min-Tze Liong(ed). Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg-New York.
- Bamunuarachchige, T.C., D.M.J.C., Dissanayaka, N.A.A.D, Wickramarathna, G.A. Udayantha (2011). Bacillus thuringiensis Biopesticides: Key strains and toxins, Mass culture, formulation strategies and improvements, in Bioprocess science and technology Min-Tze Liong (ed). Nova science publishers, New York, USA
- Bamunuarachchige, T.C., & de Zoysa, H.K.S. (Eds.). (2022). Waste Technology for Emerging Economies (1st ed.). CRC Press. 296pp, ISBN: 9780367655112. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003132349.
- Bamunuarachchige, T. C. and Herath, H.M.V.G. (2005). Agricultural biotechnology – applications, Open University publications: September 2005.
Editorial Services & Manuscript Review Services
- Invited reviewer: Pannel of reviewers for Presidential awards for patents
- Invited Reviewer: Sri Lanka Inventors Commission
- Lead Reviewer for the World Bank-funded research projects under the AHEAD program
- Research proposal reviewer for NSF and NRC
Postgraduate Research Students
- Mr D.M.S.K. Dissanayaka
- Ms A.M.P. Sammani
Past students
- Dr (Mrs) P.N. Yapa
- Mr G.A. Udayantha
- Mrs P.N. Yapa
- Mrs M.M.K. Bandara
- Mr M.C.M. Zakeel