
We are committed to advancing knowledge and understanding in the field of Technological studies, and research is a key component of our academic mission.

Research Symposiums

Our faculty captivates scholars, researchers, and practitioners nationally and internationally by executing symposiums including Undergraduate Research Symposium to share research findings and novel concepts and disseminate knowledge.

Research Areas:

Our faculty members are experts in a wide variety of areas within technological studies, including Bioprocess Technology, Electrical & Electronic Technology, Food Technology, Information Communication Technology, and Materials Technology. Our research covers a broad range of topics in technological studies.


Our faculty members are prolific writers and are regularly published in top-tier academic journals.

Grants and Funding:

We provide our faculty members with the support they need to secure research grants and funding. We offer assistance with grant applications and provide seed funding to help launch new research projects.

Research Opportunities:

We encourage our students to engage in research activities and provide a range of opportunities for them to do so. Our undergraduate and graduate students are invited to participate in research projects and contribute to our academic journal.

At the Faculty of Technology, research is at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to advancing knowledge and understanding in the field of technological studies and providing our students with opportunities to engage in cutting-edge research. Join us today and be a part of our vibrant research community!